Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7 months!!!

Kole is now 7 months and getting so big.......Well, actually he is really kind of skinny. We went to the Doctor yesterday and here are his stats

Height: 27in. 49th percentile
Weight: 16lbs, 11oz 21st percentile
Tyson and I keep looking at him and thinking he is soooo big, but apparently he's just a little one. I really don't think he will be gaining a lot of weight anytime soon because he is all over the place! He loves to army crawl by using only his left arm to pull and pushes himself forward with his legs. He gets up into crawling position really often but just rocks back and forth and then gets back down on his belly. I know he will be into EVERYTHING soon. I'm sure all you moms out there have no sympathy:)


Anonymous said...

That's so awesome. I feel Hampton is truely huge as well. I took him to the Dr in Fl for his pink eye and he was a little over 20!! I am so glad Kole is trying to crawl...Hampton could care less. I will be home in about 3-4weeks and look forward to getting together. Hope all is well-

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

Don't worry about Kole being skinny, that is nothing. Gabe (my oldest) is off the charts in height, like an inch above the charts. And then he is off the charts in weight (below). I am going to make it a point to take Charlie to every doctors appointment from now on so that the doctors will understand it isn't my fault that my kids are so tall and skinny. Kole is so stinking cute! Are you still going to Dr. Alli?

nurseheather said...

Hey amanda - i've been meaning to email you. go to www.statcounter.com and then follow the prompts - it takes a little bit of time to set up your account but once you do it is easy to manage. if you hit a road block let me know